Coming back to 2011, we were creating new ways for improving democracy At that time, October 2011, I stated a bunch of ideas as a blueprint on how to improve democratic systems and so how to make thrive on Earth sustainable from a political standpoint. Now reality has overcome fiction […]
Categoría: Blog
Money doesn’t grow on trees, really?
En diversas ocasiones ocasiones mi madre me comentó que ella creía que todos los seres humanos por el hecho de ser seres humanos deberían tener una renta básica que garantizase unos mínimos de dignidad. Yo, ante esta idea siempre respondía diciendo que económicamente eso no tenía ningún sentido ya que […]
First, let me state the problem, then I will tell you the solutions: Yesterday the world echoed a news about how a hack attack had almost checkmated many hospitals and companies around the world. You can see here the news: This is big news, some people blamed US government, […]
Love makes Love, Hate makes Hate
Hoy estamos asistiendo al resurgir del odio. En España tenemos ejemplos recientes: Políticos deciden usar sus horas de trabajo para crear odio desde unas regiones a otras regiones. Prensa usa en sus titulares comentarios de culpabilidad antes de que las personas tan siquiera hayan sido condenadas. Todo el mundo opina desde […]
Help from the Gyre
[vimeo clip_id=25563376 byline=0 portrait=1 title=1 ] Sustainability is also thinking about the legacy we give to future generations and thinking about the long-term effects of production over production itself. The movie talks by itself about beauty and horror all in the same spot. I was once told by […]
The Value of Nothing
The Colbert Report Get More: Daily Show Full Episodes,Indecision Political Humor,The Colbert Report on Facebook Introduction I saw today this interesting video about how much a burger would cost if all the hidden costs would be taken into account. $200 looks like a lot, but according with common sense […]