BlockChain for online Elections

I was asked not long ago how could one do an election systems online. First idea came to mind, use a Blockchain, but not so easy. You can imagine a voting system like a Blockchain in which you start giving to any citizen in your country an address and after […]

Back to the Start

Hace tiempo que debería haber escrito un ensayo sobre un tema de nuestros días como es la repoblación de zonas rurales abandonadas en España, sus pros, sus contras, como hacerlo, y mucho más. Pues bien, en 2011 me encontré hablando con un grupo de personas que se autodenominaban anti-sistema, más […]

Fall and Get up

httpv:// Falling is a fact, how quick you get up is what measures your strength. Focusing your acts is paramount here. You’ll fall the same destroying the world as saving it. Save it and be prepare to fall and stand up back. Now it is time for stand ups. Anyway […]

The Prince

Oh yeah, I am seeing what you are doing in your Chess party, what it looks like is just the tip of the iceberg All strategic war moves are not linear but chaotically ordered So, Machiavelli is always alive. Lies, death and lack of transparency are behind any big move. […]

Electricity vs Hydrogen Storage for Cars

Dear all, I feel optimistic reading articles like this one (about little improvements in battery-for-car technologies if you don’t want to read it): It is because it looks like the R&D efforts are aligned with sustainability and joining efforts we together will be able to find a sustainable economy […]

What’s the meaning of life?

What’s the meaning of life? We know for fact that we live in a universe of infinite stars rounding around the Sun and we know for sure that the sun will end up being a big red star long after the complete death of the planet we call Home. We […]